You may not know this, but in 2001 I married a P.E. teacher. He was super active, had played every sport since birth, and loved exercise. Opposites attract. That P.E. teacher married a super inactive, uncoordinated, sweat-hating girl.
I never felt the urge to exercise. In my mind, some people liked being active and some didn't. I didn't. It felt like unfun torture.
Fast forward several years to that girl with 4 kids and mysteriously-shrinking pants. Suddenly exercise had to be put on the schedule, despite all the pouting in the world.
How in the world did I go from loathing to loving exercise? One day at a time.
I'm wondering if right now YOU feel like a fitness failure. Maybe you think, "I should exercise, but I don't want to." "I am too busy to workout today." "I'm tired and unmotivated, so maybe I'll do that sweat thing tomorrow."
And then you get down on yourself. "What is wrong with me? Why can't I just do it?" "Why am I so on again off again with working out? I keep falling off the wagon." "How do all those busy girls do it?" What if it's all in your head? No, I'm not calling you a mental case, haha! What if your brain is the problem? Does the concept of "fitness" automatically make you feel like a failure?
Here are 3 important questions to redirect your thoughts about your activity level:
1. Am I optimistic?
Do I feel optimal health is impossible or possible?
Am I telling myself that I'm always a failure in this area or that change is possible?
Is exercise viewed as the enemy or a friend?
How can I change my thought life from pessimism to optimism?
2. Am I realistic?
Do I have realistic expectations of myself or am I aiming for something unachievable/unnecessary?
Do I allow imperfection or is perfection the standard?
When looking at my current schedule, when could I actually exercise?
Am I willing to start small and ease my way into a new routine?
3. Am I excited?
When I think about fitness, what emotions do I feel?
Which activities seem fun, exciting, and challenging?
What songs could I play to get pumped up about sweating?
If I tell myself I can stop at 10 minutes, does that bring freedom and relief?
Which quotes or Bible verses inspire me to follow through with my intentions?
You are not a failure. Period! You just might need to redirect your thoughts and make a few tweaks! How can I help you in your fitness journey? Send me a message by clicking here!